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Charity Update: Sharia's Closet

Lotus and Luna recently volunteered at Sharia’s Closet, helping to put together customized clothing bags, organizing shelves, and sorting through donations.

Sharia’s Closet is an organization dedicated to providing free, emergency clothing to those experiencing financial hardship or crisis. Community members are connected through schools and service agencies or are free to walk in anytime. Their goal is to empower members of our community by promoting self-esteem and self-identity, whether that may be making sure they are dressed for success for a job interview or feeling confident and comfortable at school around their peers. 

Each clothing bag includes an assortment of shirts, pants, athletic wear, shoes, etc. personalized to fit each person’s size, style and personal requests of the items they needed. While organizing the shelves of each room, we made sure sizing was in order and clothes were presented nicely. Those of us that were sorting through new donations were looking out for holes or stains or anything that would make the item unacceptable for Sharia’s Closet to give back to the community. 

Our team found the experience rewarding and humbling; to know that our efforts would directly be affecting the recipients in a personal way is one of the many reasons why we chose Sharia's Closet for a volunteer opportunity for International Women's Month. Here are some of our employee testimonial's about their experience below: 

 “The moment that made the most impact on me was when a woman and her daughter approached the facility with a handwritten request for children's items. Her young daughter was wearing an adult tank top, with a rubber band holding it onto her body like a dress. It was clear that they really needed the help, and I was so grateful that they had somewhere to come and get it. Meeting one of the recipients firsthand really emphasized the importance of Sharia's Closet's mission, and our contribution!

I was also really touched by the commitment of Shamine. She made sure that every volunteer felt the importance of their mission, and it's clear that helping these people means the world to her.

I had a lot of fun imaging the recipient's personality and style based on their profile, and shopping for them with that in mind. I imagined each person using the clothes I chose to get that job they're interviewing for, or showing up to school dressed to succeed. The bios really helped me put my love into the selections. There was even a request for a three month old baby. To think of such a young baby in need made my heart hurt and I hope that the cozy blankets, outfits, and bath towels I picked are now helping her remain healthy and comforted.” 


“My favorite part was picking clothes for people. It felt so personal and really forced me to put myself in someone else's shoes. What would this 11 year old boy in foster care like?  How can I help this woman nail her job interview outfit? How can I send a little bit of happiness their way?”

- Micaela

“I enjoyed putting together each bag for each person. It meant a lot to me that Sharia’s Closet acknowledged every person that requested clothes by making sure they were receiving clothes that they would put a smile on their face. I also loved everyone that was working there! Shamine and everyone else helping out were so vibrant and genuine.”
